Conference Policies

Committee Attendance

Delegates are expected to arrive on time for every session . Should a delegate need to be absent during any part of the conference, their faculty advisor must relay this to the SciMUNC Secretariat. Delegates may not visit friends in other committees or leave their committee during unmoderated caucuses.

Pre-Written Documents

Pre-written documents before the first committee session, such as working papers, draft resolutions, press releases, directives, and crisis notes are strictly prohibited at SciMUNC. Writing these documents prior to the conference not only puts other delegates at a disadvantage but also undermines the spirit of Model United Nations, which is the use of diplomacy and collaboration to solve the issues at hand. Delegates found with any of these pre-written documents will be immediately reported to the school Advisor, and the delegate will be disqualified from the awards process, the delegation will be disqualified from any delegation award. To this end, the use of laptops and other electronic devices is strictly prohibited during in-person committee sessions, unless specified otherwise by the dais.

Position Papers

Position Papers ARE required for SCIMUNC XVII in order to be eligible for rewards! To submit a position paper to the dais, they must do so by December 15th (the day before the conference). Feedback will not be given on position papers unless asked for; delegates may ask for feedback from the chair when submitting their work.

General Guidelines

  • Position papers should cover the issues at hand from the perspective of delegates’ assigned country/position, noting any significant stances or past actions relating to the topic(s). Additionally, delegates should discuss any solutions/ideas they plan to propose during the committee sessions.

  • Position papers should be around one single-spaced page, written in size 12 Times New Roman font with 1 inch margins.

  • Referenced works must be listed at the end of all position papers, formatted in MLA style. In-text citations are preferred. Delegates found to have plagiarized any part of their position paper will be disqualified from the awards process and have their faculty advisors notified.

  • Position papers should be submitted in a PDF file, and be titled in the following format: School, Position, Committee (e.g. "Bronx Science, United States, DISEC.pdf").


All committee legislation submitted to SciMUN Leadership for consideration and commentary must be the original work of the delegate sponsoring it. Any delegates plagiarizing the work of another delegate or the work of any institution will be disqualified from receiving awards. The school Advisor will be immediately notified, and consideration for reception of a delegation award will be diminished or disqualified. All papers who use the ideas of others must use citations in the APA or Chicago Manual of Style to preserve the intellectual property of the academic or institution.